Sick kid and waiting on contract.

My sweet girl has been sick since yesterday. her fever came on so fast and went so high and would not come down for a long time. I won’t lie this mommy got scared. as I sat last night with my baby sleeping on my lap burning up with fever I was scared. Every jump she made, I was scared. When her fever hit 103 at 10pm, I was scared.

my mind went back to my big brother playing one minute and Β running a fever and complaining of a headache the next. I remember going to the hospital to see him and asking my mom if my bubba was going to die. This mommy got scared. my brother had spinal meningitis and all the things my baby was complaining about last night sent my mind back to that day many years ago.

I am so Thankful my big brother is fine today and that my baby girl just has a virtual infection. but oh how those Fears can overtake you in those moments of uncertainty. And now that my baby fever has broke and mommy knows whats going on with her my fear can go away, or at least for now.

As for the surrogacy journey, IPs have contract! I think if we get contract done this week or soon we will be looking at a March transfer.


Snow Day weekend!

Our Journey in Life gets a snow day! Β  It’s over the weekend so no real snow days but it’s going to be a wonderful weekend none the least.

As far as our Surrogacy Journey goes we are still waiting. waiting for contracts to get done. This is my first journey so I am not sure if this works the same for everyone, but for us the Contract will be drawn up and then sent to my Ips. once they read over the contract and if its the way they want it then they will sign it then the contract will be sent to me.